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For contact , remarks , info or suggestions:

A                    A-post,  A-pillar                   
A                    Amperes                             
A                    *Amper  *Ammeter  *Advance        
A.I.R.              Air Injection Reactor               
A.M.                Above-Mentioned                     
A/C                 Air Conditioning                    
A/C                 A/C Amplifie                        
A/C CLTCH.    A/C Clutch                  
A/CL               Air Cleaner                         
A/CL-BM         Air Cleaner Bimetal Sensor          
A/CL-CWM      Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator           
A/CL-DV         Air Cleaner Duct Valve Vacuum Motor 
A/CL-TSOV     Air Cleaner Temperature Sensor Override Valve       
A/CL-VCD       Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Delay  
A/CL-VCV       Air Cleaner Vacuum Control Valve  
A/CL-VM         Air Cleaner Vacuum Motor            
A/F                 Air-Fuel Ratio                      
A/T                 Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission
AA                  Automobile Association (UK)         
AAA                American Automobile Association     
AAC                Auxiliary Air Control               
AAC                Automatic Amplitude Control         
AACV              Auxiliary Air Control Valve         
AAD                Auxiliary Air Control Device        
AAE                America Association of Engineers    
AAMVM           American Association of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers 
AAP                Auxiliary Accelerator Pump          
AAP                Auxiliary Accelerating Pump         
AAP                Ambient Absolute Pressure           
AAS                Aspirator Air System                
AAS                Auto Adjust Suspension              
AAS                Air Adjust Screw                  
AAS                American Astronautical Society      
AAS                Air Adjust Screw                    
AASHTO         American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials
AAV                Anti Afterburn Valve               
AB                  Air Bleed                           
ABA                Air Bleed Actuator                  
ABCV              Air Bleed Control Valve             
ABDC              After Bottom Dead Center           
ABG                Alcohol Blended Gasoline           
ABN                Airborne Noise                     
ABP                Air Brake Proportioing (valves)     
ABRS              Air Bag Restraint System           
ABS     	 	Altitude Barometric Switch         
ABS   		 Anti-Lock Brake System     
ABS  		 American Bureau of Standards       
Abs    		 Absolute                          
ABS Visc        	Absolute Viscosity          
ABSV    	 Air Bypass Solenoid Valve          
ABV	           *Anti Backfire Valve  *Air Bypass Valve  
ABV   		 Air Bypass Valve                    
ABV  	            	Anti-Backfire Valve                 
AC                  	Air Condition               
AC      		Alternating Current Generator       
AC      		*Alternating Current *After Contro  
AC      		AC Auxiliary Fan Relay              
AC      		AC Compressor Safety Switch         
AC      		AC Condenser Blower Motor Relay     
AC      		AC Control Unit                     
AC      		AC Diode                           
AC      		AC Evaporator Motor Relay          
AC      		AC Evaporator Pump Line Fuse       
AC      		AC High Pressure Safety Switch      
AC      		AC Idle Boost Valve                 
AC      		Alternating Current                 
AC      		Ante Christum                       
AC      		Accumulator                         
AC      		Acid                               
AC      		Analogue Computer                  
AC      		Automatic Control                   
AC      		Air-Cooled                          
AC      		Armored Car                         
AC      		Aerodynamic Center                  
AC      		Air Cooling                         
AC      		Air Cycle                           
AC      		Automatic Clutch                    
ACC     		A/C Clutch Compressor               
ACC     		Air Conditioning Clutch             
ACC     		Air Conditioning Clutch Switch      
ACC     		Automatic Climate Control          
ACC     		*Accessary *Altitude Compensation Carb                                
Accel   	Accelerator                         
ACCS    	A/C Clutch Cycling Switch           
ACCS    	Air Conditoning Cycling Switch      
Accum   	Accumulator                         
ACCWM   	Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator  
Accy    	Accessory                           
ACD     		Auxiliary Control Device            
ACD     		Air Conditioning Demand             
ACD     		Air Conditioning Demand Switch      
ACDV    	Air Cleaner Diverter Valve         
ACE     		Air Conditioning Equipment          
ACE     		Automatic Check Equipment           
ACE     		Automatic Computing Equipment      
ACE     		Air Conditioning Equipment          
ACG     		Alternating Current Generator       
ACG     		Automatic Control Gear              
ACIS    		Acoustic Control Iduction System    
Ack     		Acknowledge                         
ACKV    	Air Check Valve                     
ACL     		Air Clearner                        
ACL     		Automatic Chassis Lubrication       
ACM     	Advanced Composite Materials        
ACON    	Air Conditioning On                 
ACP     		Air Conditioning Pressure           
ACP     		Auxiliary Control Panel             
ACRS    	Air Cushion Restraint System        
ACS     		Air Conditioning System             
ACS-O   	Access Opening                      
ACT     		Air  Charge  Temperature            
ACT     		Air Charge Temperature Sensor       
ACTE    	Automatic Checkout Test Equipment   
Actu    		Actuator                            
Actv    		Active                       
ACV     		Air Control Valve                   
ACV     		Air Cut Valve                       
ACV     		Armored Command Vehicle           
ACV     		Air Control Valve                   
AD      		Anno Domini                         
AD      		Aerodynamic Decelerator             
ADC     		Analog-Digital Converter            
ADD     		Addition                           
ADECS   	Automotive Diesel Electronic Control System                      
ADF     		Aerodynamic Drag Factor            
Adj     		Adjust  or  Adjustable              
ADL     		Automatic Door Lock                 
ADP     		Air-Driven Hydraulic Pump           
ADS     		Adaptive Damper System              
ADV     		Advance
AE      		Acceleration Enrichment             
AE      		Acoustic Emission                   
AEA     		Automotive Electrical Association (US)                    
AEC     		Automotive Emission Control         
AECD    	Auxiliary Emission Control Device   
AEI     		After End of Injection              
AERA    	Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association (US)                    
AESC    	American Engineering Standards Committee                          
AETS    	Automatic Engine Test System        
AF      		Air-Fuel Ratio                     
AF      		Auxiliary Fuel                      
AFC     		Airflow Controlled                  
AFC     		Airflow Controlled Fuel Injection  
AFC     		Air Fuel Control                    
AFC     		Automatic Frequency Control         
AFC     		Airflow Control                     
AFCO    	Automatic Fuel Cutoff               
AFCV    	Air Fuel Ratio Control Valve        
AFE     		Automobile Fuel Economy             
AFER    	Air-Fuel Equivalence Ratio          
AFR     		Air-Fuel Ratio                      
AFS     		Airflow Sensor                      
AFS     		Auxiliary Fuel Supply System        
AG      		Air Guard                           
AGO     		Automotive Gas Oil                  
AGT     		Automotive Gas Turbines         
AGV     		Automatic Guided Vehicle           
AGVS    	Automatic Guided Vehicle System     
AH      		Amper Hour                          
AHFSS   	Air Conditionig / Heater Function Select Switch                      
AI      		Air Injection                       
AICV    		Air Injection Check Valve           
AID     		Air Injection Dual                  
AIR     		Air Injection Reaction              
AIR     		Air Injector Reactor                
AIR BPV 	Air Bypass Valve                    
AIR COND RLY    Air Conditioner Relay       
AIR COND SIG    Air Conditioner Singnal     
Air Sel 	Air Selector                        
AIR-CHV 	AIR Check Valve                      
AIR-DVLV      	AIR Diverter Valve          
AIR-IVV 	AIR Idle Vacuum Valve               
AIS     		Air Injection Single                
AIS     		Air Injection System                
AIS     		Automatic Idle Speed                
AIV     		Air Injection Valve                 
AIVV    		AIR Idle Vacuum Valve               
AKI     		Anti-Knock Index                    
AL      		Acceleration Level                  
ALC     		Automatic Level Control             
ALCL    	Assembly Line Communication Link    
ALDL    	Assembly Line Diagnostic Link       
ALDL    	Assembly Line Data Link            
Ali     		Alignment                           
Alm     		Alarm                               
ALR     		Automatic Locking Retractor         
ALR     		Automatic Length Adjusting and Locking Retractor                   
ALR     		Automatic Locking Retractor         
Alt     		Alternator or Altitude              
Alt     		Alternator                          
ALU     		Arithmetic and Logical Unit         
AM      		Amplitude Modulation                
Amb     	Ambient                             
AMC     	American Motors Corporation         
AMGV    	Air Management Valve                
Amm     	Ammeter                             
Amp     	Amplifier                           
Amp     	Ampere                              
AN      		Above-Named                         
AN      		Annual                              
AN      		Anode                               
ANC     		Active Noise Control System         
ANL     		Automatic Noise Limiter             
ANS     		Answer                              
ANSI    		American National Standards Institute
Ant     		Antenna                             
ANTBV   	Anti-Backfire Valve                 
Anti-Dsl        	Anti-Diesel                 
AO      		Air Operated                        
AOC     		Air Oil Cooler                      
AOC     		Automatic Overload Control          
AOD     		Automatic Overdrive                 
AOQ     		Average Outgoing Quality            
AOT     		Automatic Overdrive Transmission    
AP      		Air Pump                            
APC     		Automatic Phase Control             
APC     		Automatic Power Control             
APC     		Automatic Program Control           
APC     		Armored Personnel Carrier           
APC     		Automatic Performance Control       
APCV    	Air Pump Control Valve              
APDV    	Air Pump Diverter Valve             
API     		American Petrol Institude           
App     		Apparatus                           
App     		Appendix                            
App     		Approved by                         
Approx  	Approximation                       
Apr     		Apprentice                          
APRA    	Automotive Parts Rebuilders Association(US)                    
APREVLV 	Air Pump Relief Valve              
APU     		Auxiliary Power Unit               
AQ      		Aqua(Water)                        
AR      		Air Regulator                      
AR      		Axle Ratio                         
ARC     		Acceleration Signal               
ARQ     		Automatic Error Request Equipement 
ARV     		Armored Recovery Vehicle           
AS      		Airflow Sensor                     
AS      		American Standard                  
AS      		Air Suction                        
AS      		Automatic Synchronizer             
ASA     		American Standard(s) Association   
ASA     		Acoustical Society of America      
ASC     		Automatic Stability Control        
ASCD    	Auto Speed Control Device          
ASCPS   	Air Switch Canister Purge Solenoid 
ASCPT   	Air Switch Canister Purge Timer    
ASD     		Auto Shut Down                     
ASDM    	Air Bag System Diagnostic Module   
ASDV    	Air Switching Diverter Valve       
ASE     		Automatic Stabilization Equipment  
ASIS    		Abort Sensing and Implementation System 
ASIS    		American Society for Industrial Security
ASL     		Above Sea Level                         
Asm     		Assembly                                
ASME    	American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASQC    	American Society for Quality Control    
ASRV    	Air Switching Relief Valve              
ASS     		Air Switching Solenoid             
ASS     		Air Suction System                 
Ass     		Assembly                           
Ass     		Assistant                          
Ass     		Association                        
Assy    		Assembly                           
ASTM    	American Society for Testing and Materials                         
ASV     		Air Switching Valve                
ASV     		Air Suction Valve                  
ASV     		Air Switching Valve                
ASVS    	Air Switching Vacuum Solenoid      
AT      		Acceptance Test                    
AT      		Air Temperature                    
AT      		Ampere Turn                        
AT      		Angle of Train                     
AT      		Automatic Transmission             
AT.     		Air Tight                          
At.     		Atmosphere                         
ATC     		Automatic Temperature Control      
ATC     		After Top Center                   
ATC     		Automatic Temperature Control      
ATC     		Automatic Timing Corrector         
ATDC    	After Top Dead Center              
ATF     		Automatic Transmission Fluid       
Atm     		Atmosphere                         
ATM     	Automatic Transmission             
ATM     	Actuator Test Modes                
ATO     		Automatic Train Operation          
ATS     		Air Temperature Sensor             
ATS     		Automatic Train Stopper            
ATT     		Attenuation                        
ATV     		Above the Throttle Valve           
ATX     		Automatic Transaxle                
AUTO    	Automatic                          
Aux     		Auxiliary                          
AV      		Air Valve                          
Avg     		Average                            
AVOM    	Analog Volt-Ohm Meter              
AVSV    	Air Vent Solenoid Valve            
AWD     	Air Warning Device                 
AWD     	All Wheel Drive                    
AWP     	Average Working Pressure           
AWP     	Awaiting Parts                    
AXOD    	Automatic Overdrive Transaxle     
AZS     		Automatic Zero Set                 


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